Loka Wiki
Loka Wiki

General Information[]

Founded By Mrpisquallie


Church of Cryptism, Silverhand

Founded On November 21, 2017

The Religious Holy Site Is Located At Roofed Forest 21, Silverhand

Worships Crypt Code

Currently Amasses 36 Followers

"We gather to worship the bug fixes of the mighty Cryptite. For every bug fixed a different bug is created. These oversights lead to all kinds of helpful things for us Cryptootians, from an abundance of resources to not paying taxes. Crypt is God."


The Cryptooians believe that each and every single bug that the great Cryptite creates is a blessing upon the Lokan people. They gather to worship the bugs of Cryptite. They believe that with each bug fixed, another is created. These bugs, all of which are major oversights by Cryptite, have allowed for the Cryptooians to pull off several major dodges to many of Cryptite's systems, some of which include tax evasion and large amounts of resources.

Fun Fact:

  • CryptismFaith
    Cryptism has quite amusingly been at one faith in the past due to them figuring that it would simply bug out and allow them the same faith towards their god.