Loka Wiki


On Loka, there are two islands that were introduced as part of the Conquest 3.0 update. These two islands, Balak and Rivina, allow players to compete for special resources and world capital. The islands can be viewed here for Balak and here for Rivina.


Balak is one of two island in which players can compete in. To enter Balak you can either gain capital of a continent, or  win Rivina. The winner of Balak is crowned World Capital of Loka for a month and then the cycle repeats itself. Balak has many buff tiles which include;

  • Industries producing brewing materials
  • Neutral mobs on your continent
  • Ancient Ingots repairing durability fully
  • 2x chance of beheading your enemy on your continent; ender pearls have a 50% chance of being consumed
  • Monsters have a 50% chance of dropping double loot.
  • Any Armor, Weapon, or Tool that breaks, rather than being lost, will be instead sent to your Escrow with 1 durability.


Rivina is the sister island to Balak, this island has buffs such as Balak however much lesser. Rivina is comprised of 5 islands (resembling Hawaii somewhat) all territories having their own daily conquest point gain. Conquest points can be gained and can be spent on various types of buffs.