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Joining Loka on October 30th. 2020, HyperDiver is the old Architect of Skullistan, and creator of the set of tools amplified by Frost Cores that he uses. After wandering Kalros for months, he currently resides under Lower Sylvis as a ruinsroamer and an amateur historian, finding relics and lore in any ruin he can delve into.



HyperDiver joined Loka with a group of people, notably Aluubuu, DocSkull, and HermannTNKLFST. They first started Paradis on the mushroom isles, making large lavacasted walls all around the city in three layers, following the pattern set by the original namesake of the town. Some time after its creation, unfortunately, Astro began taking territory around the mushroom isles. Fearing being completely surrounded by unusable territory, the group disbanded the town and moved over to the Clay Cliffs.


On the clay cliffs next to the ruins of Acharn, the group began to dig into the ground, seeking shelter not within walls, but within a bunker below. However, over time, the numbers of active players dwindled due to both pressure of territory being claimed around the town’s tile or not liking the style of the server. After this, HyperDiver was the last one to log onto Estus as he watched the town disband, and went dormant in the bunker as he waited for a spark of hope to reignite.


As the old town members caught wind of HyperDiver’s idea to go to the relatively calm continent of Kalros, the group decided that one more try might not be such a bad idea and packed up to head off to a tile in the middle of an icetop lake. There, DrSkull gave the idea to name the nation Skullistan, meaning Place of the Skull. There, everyone began to work on their own builds, such as the large sky farm, large unfinished castle, several houses and walls, and most importantly: the nuclear reactor that powered the town built by Aluubuu. The uranium was extracted via a very dangerous method of converting Emerald matter to Uranium-235. Due to the repeated exposure to radiation and several failures in his attempts to form uranium, Aluubuu suffered from many injuries, exposing the bone of his skull and permanently turning it charcoal black. Using the overflowing amounts of energy coming from the reactor, HyperDiver and the rest of the town imbued enchantments into their weapons and forged to their hearts’ content. The Frost Blade is one of those weapons, a cold steel weapon with an icy crystal near the hilt that cools the blade to near absolute zero when overcharged. Following an incident with the sword, however, his eyes permantently turned from dark brown to a bright, glowing cyan.

Over time, repeated raids and loss of territory cost them control over the mega taiga, losing their reliable income of shards from selling spruce wood. Due to their losses, morale began to drop and members slowly dwindled, leaving buildings unmanaged and slowly rotting. As the last few members began to leave, Aluubuu lost his final tie to the town and decided to abandon the reactor project after seeing the deadlands forming to the west and the lack of people who would benefit from the power. HyperDiver lied staring at the crumbling town as he disbanded it to at least let it go out on his terms, leaving the shell of the town standing as the hollow reminder of a once prosperous town.

Post-Skullistan Wandering[]

After the death of Skulliosis/Skullistan, HyperDiver wandered from town to town finding ways to contribute to the community however he could, eventually reaching the ruins of cities long past and sparking an all encompassing interest to document, log, and explore any bit of ancient history on this world that he could. This directive got him wandering from continent to continent, finding more and more ruins to delve into and find hidden mysteries. This interest continually led him back to the ruins of Skullistan more than once, prompting him to write down his memories of the land and of those who inhabited it alongside him.


After months of wandering Kalros, FoxyBearGames, who had previously made trade deals with Skullistan and helped HyperDiver create towns on Garama, offered a home in Sylvis, which HyperDiver accepted his offer and took up a locker room under Lower Sylvis. There, he stores his relics and supplies while helping around whenever needed.

The Calamity[]

Following the explosion of the knife on Aladra that caused the calamity, HyperDiver came back to help the evacuation efforts and traveled to Kalros to find the ruins of Skulliosis again. However, upon arriving to the reactor, he saw that the uranium inside had been stolen, enough uranium to theoretically make a fireball 52.2 km wide if fully detonated. He contacted his old town mates and together, they set out looking around Kalros to see if there were any signs of where the thief and uranium had gone.



In the lore, HyperDiver is an explorer currently fixated on a desire to roam and explore all the standing ruins on the continents in order to catalogue every bit of lore and history he possibly can. Given up on founding a town after so many failed attempts to keep a town running, he's ended up finding refuge in FoxyBearGames' town Lower Sylvis and using one of the several housing areas to hold his valuable possessions, such as the Frost Sword

The Frost Sword[]

"First day of the experiment: I have found reason to believe that I can harness the sea of ice all around us to give a tactical advantage in war. What could be more powerful than being able to freeze a person's wounds and give them frostbite with a single slash of a blade? Fire Aspect sure has its perks, however one may use fire resistance or a firestone to combat its effects. Nobody has a way to resist the cold here, saving for lighting themselves on fire which would damage their wounds even further...

I have to start experimenting on this."


As HyperDiver and Aluubuu were building the town alongside their brethren, HyperDiver began to wonder about the possibilities of using ice as a weapon against anyone who would threaten them. By taking several weeks of effort, he slowly began to work on a way to fuse diamonds with ice to create a material that could cool itself if charged with energy.

"Its been a few weeks into this, and slowly the temperature of this crystalline substance gets closer and closer to near absolute zero the more that I tweak and power it. I believe that I may be able to have this done soon enough.. and we could use this power to arm ourselves and properly defend ourselves using science against might and numbers..." -HyperDiver

As the territories were being stripped from their town and as their members began to dwindle, the formulation of the frost crystal was perfected, creating a core that could cool down any metal connected to it. Forming a blade of Kalrosian steel and forming the edge out of diamonds, HyperDiver cut out a thin cylinder of the crystal and grafted it onto the blade. He formed a hilt out of an insulating metal and wrapped the handle in a thin cloth from the Skulliosis flag.

"As the last of our people have left, I have finally found the solution to our problem, though it might be too late... too many of us are gone and there are not nearly enough to defend what little we have still. At the least... I'll have this knowledge to myself. If I find a town to make my home again... I might as well give them the ability to copy my work. I don't want this history to repeat itself..
