Marriage in the world of Loka has a different meaning depending on the couple in question. In this game of Loka, marriage can be convenient, sometimes serving as a formal pact between two cities, other times it could be about love, and the couple will promise themselves to their couple in loving fairness and equality.
Lucifer09 and Zor95[]
The first married couple in Loka is Lucifer09 and Zor95, the baroness of helrune and the sheep overlord. It is unknown when their love came to fruition.
JocelynReed and MrAlchemy[]
The first official marriage ceremony in Loka's history.
The story of these two lovebirds was at first frowned upon by many. JocelynReed was a famous slave known for her dancing skills. This is what we infer due to her constant phrases of: "Make it rain!" and her special cage in Hyrule, made for Magpieman's entertainment.
In the beginning, SlimJim1988 and mopb3 quarreled over who was originally Joce's legit owner. Judge Magpieman then intervened, although in the end, he somehow got to be the owner of Joce.
In an architect-related trip to Hyrule, MrAlchemy found JocelynReed and immediately offered to buy her Magpieman. Magpieman knew of course, of MrAlchemy's vast wealth, so he decided to please Alch, in the hope that he would one day help him. MrAlchemy immediately set her free after the transaction and after a few days of young love, the happy couple agreed to get married.
Bride to be Joce and Groom Alchemy have planned the wedding for the 6th of October 2012. Near everyone in the server was invited, only the close friends it seemed. The groom's best man is Mopb3. The bride's maid of honor is 13scooter13. The flower girl is Lucifer09. The ring bearer is Gudbrandr. The man who is to give the bride away is Defgnww. DJs for the music were Christennis and memrme3.
brandonzx3 and Silver911[]
The first couple to get married at a tournament. It is unclear why the two decided to get married at a tournament or got married at all. This also the first joint marriage of the Religions of Skymanity and the Church of Eldritch. With Silver911 being a devoted Church of Eldritch Follower, and brandonzx3 being a follower from the beginning of Skymanity. It was also the very first wedding of Skymanity. The minister holding the wedding was FoxyBearGames, who happens to also be the Pope of Skymanity. Notably, Foxy was quite drunk during the wedding- slurring words, falling off the boat, and even passing out. The pope made a surprise appearance at the Noobville II tournament and renewed the vows of both brandonzx3 and Silver911.