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Msittig loka 2023

msittig is a minor character of the fifth generation. He is half-elf half-human with a propensity for wandering and creating hideouts, and the catchphrase "once a nomad, always a nomad".

msittig's history began as a nomad on the continent of Ascalon, where he built a starter cabin in the northern mountains that still exists to this day ("msittig's humble abode"). This was a time that msittig remembers fondly, as a time when a nomad could wander the continents collecting resources, raiding towns, and building bases far and wide. After a time, he was invited by Nokiaman to join the town on a lake once known as New Ibbish, feature a port, ship and famed arena. When nokiaman left New Ibbish, msittig started an underwater hideout in Garama, in a lake due east of the dock through the mountains, caverns and jungles (this hideout was later erased in a Loka update). When nokiaman returned to Loka, msittig joined him at the city of Arvik, where many reknowned warriors came to live. At Arvik, msittig learned how to fight bravely, lived below a well underground, and tended to the city's farm fields. When nokiaman left again, Arvik and the alliance of Asmund fell into disarray, and msittig returned to his nomadic ways. He tended to his Ascalon cabin and Garama underwater hideout.

After a time, msittig fell in with the controversial character named Nova (among other names) in the town of Byzantium, later known as Graxum. Byzantium was in the far north of Ascalon, sitting below the northern mountains and prone to attack by fighters gliding in on elytras, so msittig was commisioned to build the high walls that surrounded the city. He also built the freshman dorm, local fish shop, and a hobbit home just outside the city walls. As the city grew and became more toxic, msittig separated from Nova and his minions to join a new town.

This town was known as Eldamar, and was headed by a charismatic elf named Castalina, just beginning her long and illustrious path on Loka. Eldamar was located in the far south of Ascalon, on the mushroom isle. When the elves moved en masse to Ouroboros, later Valinor, msittig moved with Castalina and became the royal architect of Valinor. At Valinor, msittig built his tree home, the Royal Observatory, the elven Academy and theater, the canyon apartments and stairway hotel, as well as the Royal Library. The city of Valinor had an exciting history involving many of the more prominent characters on Loka the time such as Sparky and jibblypop. After a time and several changes in leadership, Valinor disbanded and everyone moved on to new projects in other parts of Loka.

As for msittig, he moved north back to the plains of Ascalon near the mountains, starting a few projects such as the landscape-changing plains forest of Ascalon, the small Ascalon snow volcano, and the ill-fated Ascalon mountain dam and reservoir. After a brief stint with Nova at Miracalis, msittig rejoined Castalina at Oldtown, aka Elrohir, in the plains of Ascalon near his plains forest and underwater river. At Elrohir, msittig rebuilt Valinor's elven Academy, and built the interior of the city's Library. He also built the roads of Elrohir, and landscaped the central lake the dominated the center of the residential district and housed his pet Guardian, named after the Guardian in Arvik's lake. After a time, the population of Elrohir dwindled and msittig was frequently absent. One day he returned to find Elrohir abandoned and looted, and he once again became a nomad.

At that time he decided that his days of prodigious building and exploring were coming to a close. Changes to Loka meant that materials had become harder to collect, and building in the wilderness had become seriously restricted. msittig was never much of a fighter, and in his old age it was becoming even harder to make his way around the continents. He took his resources, built a sky hideout and went into semi-retirement in the town of Camelot/Edgewind in Garama, joining Thanius and his band of merry-makers.

msittig now spends most of his time on Loka traveling between his hideouts and builds around Loka: the mountain cabin in Ascalon, the giant creeper in the fjords of southern Ascalon, the ruins of Valinor and New Ibbish, the mysterious sky hideout, and his new little bases near Edgewind.