Loka Wiki
Southern Valyria Banner

Southern Valyria was established in in the desert of Garama in April of 2020. Founded by PhoenixTails and Fatestay, it marks the 5th addition to the Valyrian Dynasty. The town is known for its large group of dominant PvPers. 

"We rose from the sands with our swords in hand."

Key Events[]

  • (29th Apr 2020) Southern Valyria is created
  • (12th Sep 2020) New War Room Constructed
  • (25th Sep 2020) Destruction of "The Dyke Tank" occurs
  • (30th Sep 2020) Construction of the Mosque begins
  • (2nd Oct 2020) The Valyrian Mosque is completed
  • (23rd Oct 2020) Building of "Kukles" the dragon finishes
  • (16th Nov 2020) Construction of MCD Tower is completed
  • (22nd Nov 2020) Building of the Clock Tower finishes
  • (10th Jan 2021) Construction of the Southern Valyria Boxing Ring is finished
  • (29th Jan 2021) Construction of the North Wing is completed
  • (18th May 2021) Sigmaflash Destroys the Clocktower
  • (22th Jun 2021) Destruction of the Old Mosque and "Kukles" is finished and construction on the New Mosque is started
  • (1st July 2021) Ownership of Southern Valyria is transferred from Sigmaflash to Lurnn
  • (25th Jul 2021) Construction of the New Mosque is completed
  • (2nd October 2021) Ownership of Southern Valyria is transferred from Lurnn to jakeman5 and 36s
Month/Year Garama Capital World Capital


The Original South Valyria[]

South Valyria was the first of the two iterations of South Valyria. South Valyria was located within the savannah of Garama. South Valyria is widely considered less successful in comparison to its successor, Southern Valyria. The town was located mostly underground with little builds appearing above ground.

Life Above Ground[]

The inhabitants of Southern Valyria have always known life underground. This all changed during the Valyrian Renaissance as the lack of PvP caused many players to fight on other continents as they waited for PvP to return. During this period of time the inhabitants of Southern Valyria decided to turn to building to keep themselves entertained. This created the building age where Southern Valyrians made the first effort to create above ground additions to the town.

The Valyrian Renaissance in 2020[]

Southern Valyria achieved both world capital and Garama capital. Southern Valyria was revitalized after an influx of new players from other servers which prompted the construction of a new war room and above ground builds. At its peak there was close to 175 town members living in Southern Valyria at once. This number of members made Southern Valyria one of the most powerful towns in all of Loka. The success during the year of 2020 has driven most of the opposition away from Garama.

New Year, New Problems[]

As 2020 came to an end there was a disruption in the usual alliances of Southern Valyria. In January of 2021 Wolf Force was now a foe of Southern Valyria on Balak. This is due to conflicts between a few individuals from each side specifically Lurnn of Southern Valyria and Tqmen of Valador as their Minecraft egos clash. This lead to both Southern Valyria and Wolf Force were recruiting in order to secure their place on Balak. This clash of giants led to the largest fight in Loka history at the time with 155 players in one fight. On January 15, 2021 for Balak 9 against Wolf Force where Southern Valyria defended 84 attackers successfully with 71 defenders. At the end of January 2021, Southern Valyria had 225 town members and both Garama and World Capital titles defeating Wolf Force who partnered with Requiem.

Rebuilding The Old[]

Once January came to a close PhoenixTails, Aressem, Fatestay, Lurnn and Sokou left Southern Valyria to rebuild the decaying town of Valyria that once existed in the Marshes of Ascalon. This was a huge change to the town as the full owner of Southern Valyria traded hands from PheonixTails to SigmaFlash. This once again led to a dead period in the town of Southern Valyria, the current full owner SigmaFlash did not want to fight on Balak due to the increased lag caused by the extremely large amount of players thus PvP was a rare occurrence. Due to the lack of PvP on Garama this meant that most of the time spent by town members was used to grind or build. The amount of town members dipped to 180 where it was during the end of 2020.

Sneaky Business[]

During the month of April many members of Best In The South headed to The Covenant to help them take Ascalon Capital from Requiem. This migration left Garama Vulnerable to being sniped in the eyes of some. A group of skilled PvPers left Requiem with their eyes set on the recently abandoned town of New Fruitopia, which was renamed LostP's Town. These PvPers included Tqmen, UghBraces, Nbax, Fzu, Joven, Dlyhnlol, Subys, and more. They left for Garama when the Alliance leaders of Requiem wanted them to stay on Ascalon and help defeat The Covenant to maintain dominance in Ascalon, they decided to not listen. This decision caused a large amount of conflict within Requiem and resulted in multiple people leaving the alliance to join Best In The South and The Covenant. The PvPer's in LostP's town leveled up the town incredibly fast and had it at level 21 within a couple weeks. The fights between BITS and LostP's town got very close and BITS even lost a few, however in the end BITS was too strong and ended the dream of stealing Garama Capital.

Successful Heist[]

In May of 2021 a large amount of PvPers came to Garama and FoxyBearGames broke off from the Commons alliance leading to its downfall and created Greater Sylvis. This alliance acquired a large amount of Spanish Speaking PvPers that were ready to try to steal the continent from BITS. The BITS pvpers were in Ascalon helping the Covenant and were locked and couldn't do anything but watch as Southern Valyria lose Continent Cap for the first time in a year. At the end of the month all of the fighters that helped the Covenant secure Ascalon returned home to BITS to retake the throne.

Retaking the Throne[]

June was a pivotal moment for BITS as it was time to establish our dominance on Garama once again. The month was one full of fighting and quite frankly there was nothing that Greater Sylvis could do to thwart BITS efforts to Retake the Throne. BITS established dominance in the first fight of the month with a commanding victory where Greater Sylvis only managed to kill one golem. This fight set the tone for the rest of the month as there never truly was a chance for our foes. Southern Valyria regained Garama Capital once again, proving herself to Loka as one of the most dominant there ever was.

Sigmaflash Jumps Ship[]

The beginning of July 2021 Sigmaflash decided it was time to move on. He packed his things and handed ownership of Southern Valyria which is arguably the most successful town in the history of Loka to Lurnn. This month was looked as a grinding month in the eyes of those who wanted to stay on Garama. Those who wanted to PvP looked towards Ascalon in the direction of Fruit Force, the newly created alliance of those who left Covenant. The goal was to take Ascalon from the Luxor Coalition led by MoistP.

Asserting Dominance[]

In March jakeman5 determined it was time to stage a comeback, BITS has been in hibernation for several months at this point. He went out and brought together players from all different continents and take them together to form a mega alliance to compete with Helian League and Big LEDS. This led to a disturbance that would change the landscape of Loka. The month started off with BITS wiping the competition off the map when on March 13th Helian League attacked Best In The South on Balak 3. This resulted in the largest fight in Loka history up to this point with 186 participants, 97 of which were from Best In The South. In the middle of the month the town of Sagandr which was run by Casper decided to break off from BITS and start attacking BITS. This lead to a lot of problems within the alliance. There were multiple players that tried to make the town of Sagandr win Garama. Players would kill teammates at fights and take charges whilst running away to support the Polish town. These actions resulted in multiple towns being kicked, most notably Liberty City which was run by Archersquid and Hxfr. At the end of the month BITS secured Garama Capitol and World Capitol with the most dominating performance seen in years.


South Valyria[]

There are little images of South Valyria available. However, some of the remaining are as follows:

2018-12-08 13.42

An image of SV1 featuring Mr Feathers Pawn Shop.

The Infamous "Mr. Feathers Pawn Shop", ran by Mr. Feathers, was located in the main room of Valyria. Multiple thefts were reported in the Pawn Shop. After his career as an entrepreneur, Mr. Feathers then went on to run for Valyrian President.

Southern Valyria[]

Many images of Southern Valyria exist as the town is currently alive and thriving. Some iconic builds are as follows:

2020-11-15 12.29

Image of the Southern Valyria Mosque.

2020-11-15 12.31

Image of the Southern Valyria War Room

2020-11-15 12.29

Image of Kukles the Dragon.

2020-11-15 12.34

Image of the Industry Fountain.