Tools or weapons with stat tracking applied to them will track various statistics such as the number of each blocked mined, amount of damage dealt etc. To stat track an item, you must go to spawn and right-click Mereth with an item. Mereth will stat track your item for 100 Orbs, you can find him around the main circle of Aladra. Clicking Mereth with no item will trigger the prompt [Click to View Tools] and another prompt mentioning that you can purchase orbs on [Loka's shop].
Your stats will only be tracked while you have a stat tracked tool equipped. If you stat track another tool of the same type it will keep the same stats as the original one.
Stat Tracking Items[]
- Diamond Sword
- Bow
- Crossbow
- Shield
- Diamond Axe
- Shield
- Diamond Pickaxe
- Diamond Shovel
- Diamond Hoe
- Shears
- Fishing Rod
- Elytra
Item Stats []
Please note: The tools are listed from left to right with their stats.
Diamond Sword[]
- Foes Slain
- Swings
- Hits
- Crits
- Mob Kills
- Player Kills
- Total Damage
- Foes Slain
- Shots
- Hits
- Longest Hit
- total Damage
- Mob Kills
- Player Kills
- Foes Slain
- Shots
- Hits
- Longest Hit
- Total Damage
- Mob Kills
- Player Kills
- Players Shot down
Diamond Axe[]
- Foes Slain
- Swings
- Hits
- Total Damage
- Mob Kills
- Player Kills
- Oak
- Spruce
- Birch
- Jungle
- Acacia
- Dark Oak
- Total Logs
Diamond Pickaxe[]
- Coal
- Iron
- Redstone
- Quartz
- Lapis
- Gold
- Diamond
- Emerald
- Total Ore
- Stone
- Diorite
- Granite
- Andesite
- Cobblestone
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Obsidian
- Endstone
- Sandstone
- Hardened Clay
- Ice
- Netherrack
- Nether Bricks
Diamond Shovel[]
- Clay
- Dirt
- Grass
- Gravel
- Mycelium
- Paths
- Hits
- Sand
- Snow
- Soul Sand
- Total Dug
Diamond Hoe[]
- Soil Tilled
- Wheat
- Potato
- Carrot
- Pumpkin
- Melon
- Sugarcane
- Beetroot
- Cocoa beans
- Nether Wart
- Oak Leaves
- Spruce Leaves
- Birch Leaves
- Jungle Leaves
- Acacia Leaves
- Dark Oak Leaves
- Total Foliage
- Vines
- Cobwebs
- Sheep Sheared
- Mooshrooms Sheared
Fishing Rod[]
- Time Fishin'
- Fish Missed
- Normal
- Salmon
- Pufferfish
- Clownfish
- Guardians
- Saddles
- Nametags
- Enchanted Books
- Melee Attacks Blocked
- Arrows Blocked
- Disabled by Axe
- Damage Taken While Blocking
- Damage Blocked
- Distance Flown
- Arrows Fired
- Bolts Fired
- Potions Thrown
- Players Killed
- Times Shot Down