Loka Wiki

Unstable Items are earned in specific areas by doing specific things or killing specific things. This page will cover all ways to earn unstable items as well as how to remove the Unstable Tag from an item.

How do you acquire Unstable Items?[]

Unstable Items are acquired in certain areas, for example the nether, any resources grinded in the nether automatically have the unstable tag, if you die with these resources, only resources that are unstable will drop as the nether is a mostly yellow tag area.

Areas in which you acquire Unstable Items:

How do you remove the Unstable tag from Items?[]

You simply go to spawn or your town to remove the Unstable Tag, as soon as you arrive at spawn from either the end or the nether, the tags will be automatically removed. For Infested Tiles you simply go back to the dock and go to spawn and then your town, or just go from the infested tile back to your town.

Other Information[]

  • ONLY Unstable items drop upon death in Yellow Tag areas such as the Nether and the End.
  • Unstable Items cannot be crafted into other items

List of all items that receive the Unstable tag[]

  • Magma Cream
  • Blaze Rods
  • Nether Quartz
  • Nether Wart
  • Ghast Tears
  • All items acquired by loot bundles
  • All items acquired by killing mobs in the End and Nether
  • Shulker Shells
  • Ender Pearls
  • Elytra
  • All items dropped by Mobs in Infested Tiles (XP Bottles, Spider Eyes, Rotten Flesh, String, GP, etc.)