We generally try to keep things somewhat close to Vanilla Minecraft in terms of gameplay mechanics and features. However, to achieve the type of systems on Loka that we desire, we frequently change the way the game works. Listed below are all of the tweaks/changes to your normal Vanilla Minecraft experience that you'll find on Loka:
33% Extra PvP Damage []
- All PvP Damage on the server is increased by 33% to combat the "slowness of 1.9+ PvP"
Ender Pearl Cooldown[]
- On Loka, the Ender Pearl Cooldown is 12 seconds. In town or spawn, it has a vanilla cooldown.
Hopper Changes[]
- Hoppers transfer items at 50% speed from vanilla in order to preserve resources for server performance.
- Additionally, hopper Minecarts have been disabled due to their high transfer speeds in vanilla.
Ender Pearl/Chorus Fruit Teleportation[]
- In Foreign Towns (any town that is not your own), you cannot throw/consume these to teleport around.
Covered Chests[]
- Blocks over chests do not prevent them from opening.
TnT Limitations[]
- Any TnT that explodes inside of Town Protection, that wasn't primed in the Town (cannons, etc) won't explode.
Item Despawning (for Raiding)[]
- Items dropped in towns by outsiders (non-members of that town) will instead be sent to that town's escrow, rather than be simply lost.
Obtaining Elytras[]
- Elytras are not found in End City chests. They can only be obtained by killing the Ender Dragon.
Picking up Items through blocks[]
- You cannot pickup items through blocks. For example, picking up items through glass panes, through closed/locked doors, etc.
Block-Glitch Access[]
- You cannot access containers (blocks with inventories) unrealistically. The prime example of this is breaking a block so that you can momentarily right-click the chest block to open it while the server is cancelling the block break event.
End Crystals and TnT Minecarts do less damage[]
- At most, they should deal up to around 7 hearts of full damage if you're at point blank range.
- In addition, standing one block below the crystal doesn't shield you from extra damage.
- Explosions are radius based (about 4 blocks) and anyone within that distance will take damage based on proximity to the source of the explosion.
Picking up items through blocks[]
- Custom Line-of-Sight checks are done when picking up items on the ground. You cannot pick up items "through blocks" like in vanilla MC. This is done to prevent picking up items through blocks/windows during raiding, which also preserves the ability for towns to be able to build freely without sacrificing security to vanilla Minecraft mechanics.
Shooting yourself with an arrow does more damage (Bow Boosting)[]
- Hitting yourself with an arrow does 2.5 hearts of True Damage.
- Healing Arrows, (only) when used to bow-boost are now far less effective. Instead of taking 2.5h (with normal arrows), with Heal Arrows you will take 1.5h guaranteed damage.
Turtle Master potions are disabled[]
- Using Turtle Master potions is disabled, you cannot hit yourself with turtle master arrows or use it in a dispenser, it is just outright disabled.
Taking damage while flying knocks you out of the air[]
- Taking any damage while flying will drop you out of the sky. The ONLY exception to this is Thorns and the laser module on TGens.
- However, firing an exploding firework with a Crossbow at a flying player has a bigger radius and is thus easier to shoot down players.
- Hitting a flying player puts both players in combat, so the flying player will be unable to take back off until combat clears.
Cobblestone Generation[]
- On Loka, cobblestone generation was disabled to prevent cobblemonsters from being created on the server.
- When disabled by an axe, the cooldown of your shield being disabled is increased from 5s -> 7s.
- Additionally, when disabled, your shield will incur about a 5% durability hit.
- You cannot use a shield after swinging a sword/axe for 1 seconds.
Cooked Mutton is like Cooked Steak/Porkchops[]
- All three continents have one major food-providing animal, Pigs (Garama), Cows (Ascalon), and Sheep (Kalros). For balance reasons, Mutton restores as much saturation as beef/porkchops.
Vanilla mobs that spawn underground now have highly decreased drop rates[]
- Due to grinding in caves being heavily discouraged due to the existence of Infested Tiles.